Dec 17, 2019 | Aftermarket parts, Collision, collision accident, collision center, collision repair, estimate, quote, repair estimate
In our business there’s a lot of moving factors. It’s not always possible to predict how long the parts will take to get to the shop, when your adjuster can make it out to look at the vehicle, or how much money your insurance company will feel justifies the cost of...
Sep 12, 2019 | Aftermarket parts, auto accident, Automatic cars, chipped windshield, Collision, collision accident, collision center, collision repair, feet on dashboard
One of the downsides to having a vehicle you love and want to take care of is how often accidents happen. We’re specifically thinking about how often rocks fly up from a vehicle in front of you on the highway and put an unfortunate chip in your windshield. It happens,...
Jun 25, 2019 | Aftermarket parts, body shop, car accident, car collision, car detailing, collision accident, collision center, collision company, road construction, summer driving
Summer is an exciting time of year. The sun is out, the cabin is open for the season, and hopefully the boat is out on the water. There’s a whole bustle of activity out there, and that’s not always a good thing. Everyone wants to be outside, which means there’s a much...
Mar 21, 2019 | 3M, Aftermarket parts, airbag, Clear guard, collision repair, fix my car
It wasn’t long ago that protecting your paint job meant installing strange looking vinyl wings to your vehicle, that often left damage from the install. We live in a crazy world and now have the option of putting a sticky clear plastic sheet across the front of our...
Dec 18, 2018 | Aftermarket parts, all season tires, auto accident, before and after, body shop, car collision, car dents, car detailing, car repair, collision accident, collision center, new tires, summer tires
There are three main categories of tires on the market for your daily driver, all season tires, winter tires, and summer tires. Each type of tire has its own pros and cons, but when compared collectively, the most important thing to consider is the climate you deal...
Jul 30, 2018 | Aftermarket parts, OEM, remanufactured parts, repair, repair my car
Let’s talk about remanufactured and aftermarket parts for a repair on your car. An aftermarket part is any part for a vehicle that’s not sourced from the vendor or cars maker. These, in some cases, can alter or even void the existing warranty you have on...