Sep 12, 2019 | Aftermarket parts, auto accident, Automatic cars, chipped windshield, Collision, collision accident, collision center, collision repair, feet on dashboard
One of the downsides to having a vehicle you love and want to take care of is how often accidents happen. We’re specifically thinking about how often rocks fly up from a vehicle in front of you on the highway and put an unfortunate chip in your windshield. It happens,...Aug 22, 2017 | airbag, auto accident, be safe, body shop, car accident, collision accident, collision center, collision repair, feet on dashboard, fender bender
We’ve all heard those country songs, the ones that tell you to throw your worries out the window, relax and put your feet up on the dash and enjoy the ride. If you’re a routine passenger, that’s likely a position you’ve sat in and enjoyed because it IS more...