Sep 25, 2017 | auto accident, car collision, fender bender, flat tire, freeway driving, stranded
Imagine driving down the freeway at a brisk 72 mph, top down, your favorite song blaring on the radio… sounds like a carefree trip, right? Now imagine your tire blows, a loud pop followed by *thudthudthudthud*. What do you do now? The best reaction to a flat...Aug 22, 2017 | airbag, auto accident, be safe, body shop, car accident, collision accident, collision center, collision repair, feet on dashboard, fender bender
We’ve all heard those country songs, the ones that tell you to throw your worries out the window, relax and put your feet up on the dash and enjoy the ride. If you’re a routine passenger, that’s likely a position you’ve sat in and enjoyed because it IS more...Jul 24, 2017 | auto accident, before and after, body shop, car recall notice, collision accident, collision center, fender bender, insurance company, locally owned, oakdale collision, recall
Last year alone, manufactures issued 927 recalls, that affected 53.2 million vehicles. This is the third year in a row that recalls have broken the all time high record, each year progressively seeing higher numbers. A recall on your vehicle is simply when the...Jun 26, 2017 | auto accident, before and after, body shop, car accident, collision accident, distracted driving, fender bender, Minnesota road trip, Minnesota winters, pets in the car, road trip, travel, traveling
Road trips can be tough on all of us, but bringing a pet along? That can be even harder. Unlike traveling with other adults or even children, your pet can’t tell you if they’re uncomfortable, or if they need to find a bush. There are ways to make the trip...Mar 27, 2017 | auto accident, be safe, before and after, body shop, bumper repair, city driving, collision accident, collision center, collision repair, fender bender, local community
Car accidents most often occur within 25 miles of your home. That means they’re not from driving on the freeway, or a crazy person ripping through the drive-thru, they’re happening close to home while you or your neighbors are on auto-pilot. Let’s say you’re...Aug 29, 2016 | auto accident, car accident, car door ding, collision accident, collision center, deer, driving in the fall, fall weather, family business, fender bender
1. Thou Shalt Leave the House Earlier Hallelujah! It’s fall and that means that the kids are finally going back to school. Before you breakout the celebratory mimosas, remember that also means more congestion on the roads. More school buses and mini vans clogging up...