Jul 9, 2019 | be safe, body shop, car accident, car collision, car dents, car door ding, car repair, Collision, collision accident, collision center, collision repair, deer, insurance, know your rights
We’ve said it before, and we’ll say it again, we are not your favorite group of people to see. We get it, who likes getting in an auto accident? Nobody comes to Oakdale Collision, throws open the doors and exclaims how excited they are about getting their car...Aug 29, 2016 | auto accident, car accident, car door ding, collision accident, collision center, deer, driving in the fall, fall weather, family business, fender bender
1. Thou Shalt Leave the House Earlier Hallelujah! It’s fall and that means that the kids are finally going back to school. Before you breakout the celebratory mimosas, remember that also means more congestion on the roads. More school buses and mini vans clogging up...