Nov 20, 2019 | auto accident, auto repair, Automatic cars, car coll, car recall notice, check engine light, Clear guard, Collision, collision accident, new car
One of the worst parts of our day at Oakdale Collision is having to tell someone their insurance totaled out their vehicle. Purchasing a new car can be a big stressful ordeal. It puts a lot on the line like your credit score, financials, and long-term happiness if you...Nov 28, 2016 | auto accident, body shop, car accident, collision accident, collision repair, leasing vs. buying, local community, locally owned, Minnesota winters, new car, oakdale collision
This month, we’re posting a little differently. We wanted to talk about what people might think about when looking to buy a new car, specifically young people. We enlisted the help of a young woman who’s name is Catey C. and we were pleased with...