
Older american drivingDriving at any age isn’t always easy, but as you get older it’s important to stay vigilant and be aware of how you are feeling, how the road conditions are, and how your equipment (i.e. your vehicle) is operating before you get on the road. Driving is a complex task, and the variables are endless. As drivers, we can take precautions to prevent a collision, but accidents happen.

Most older drivers self-regulate really well, but if you are worried about an older family member or friend who’s driving, start the discussion with them or share resources with them.

AAA provides tips on it’s website for Senior Driver Safety, which even has a way to evaluate your driving ability if there’s any question. The resources available on their site are great, so please take a look. The Minnesota Department of Public Safety also has a website with resources: https://dps.mn.gov/divisions/ots/older-drivers/Pages/default.aspx.

One more site that can be helpful is the CDC’s website for Older Driving Safety. Here are a few tips from their site:

Taking these key steps can help adults of all ages, including older adults, stay safe on the road:

Always wear a seat belt as a driver or passenger
Seat belt use is one of the most effective ways to save lives and reduce injuries in crashes.6

Drive when conditions are safest
Drive during daylight and in good weather. Conditions such as poor weather7 and driving at night8 increase the likelihood of crash injuries and deaths.

Don’t drink and drive
Drinking and driving increases the risk of being in a crash because alcohol reduces coordination and impairs judgment. – CDC Website.

If you do find yourself in a collision, we’re always here to help!